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Dried Minced Pork

MYR 77.50
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独立真空包装 - Individual Vacuum Packed  

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To guarantee the delicious flavour of dried meat , we will only barbecue the meat upon receipt of your order.

10020 Pre-order Track No 5 77.50 0 pts 100029 product-with-option No pork


置放在凉爽和干燥的地方,远离强光,燥热或燥湿避免发霉,超过3至5天就密封冷藏。猪肉干的鲜美期维持5天,当真空包装的猪肉干打开包装后也一样尽量在5天内吃完。如果无法吃完就放进塑料盒或袋子密封,放进冰箱冷藏,想要食用时,再放进烤箱加热或放进锅里蒸3到5分钟,加热吃更美味,也可以将肉干剪成小片,放进饭或米粉里炒也挺美味的。 真空包装也不宜放太久,虽说肉干经过真空包装可延长肉干保存期限,然而为了确保肉干的味道质感,也不建议存放太久,最好在一个月内吃完。如果把真空包装直接冷藏可以存放6个月。

Dried minced pork is made of prime quality pork. Firstly, people pick its sinew, remove its bones and reserve fat. Then mince and cure it, pave it on the stainless steel plate, put it in the oven to dry it with charcoal, and then roast it. The dried minced pork of “Fei Kei Mark Hock Seng Guan” is different from the others, and its taste is different from the general pork jerky minced by machine. Our dried minced pork has more lean and less fat. Generally, the dried pork can be divided into dried sliced pork and minced one. Although our store’s dried pork is minced, the taste of it is between the sliced one and the minced one. It won’t be too hard or too soft.

Keep it in a cool and dry place, away from strong light, hot or humid to avoid mildew, and refrigerate it after 3 to 5 days. The freshness period of pork jerky lasts for 5 days. When the vacuum-packed dried minced pork is unpacked, it’s better to eat up within 5 days. If you can’t finish it in five days, you can seal it in a plastic box or a plastic bag, and then keep it in the refrigerator. Whenever you want to eat, you can just put it in the oven or steamer for 3 to 5 minutes. It will be more delicious if you heat it, or cut it into small pieces and cook with rice or noodles. However, vacuum-packed pork jerky shouldn’t be kept for too long. Although vacuum-packed dried pork can extend the shelf-life, in order to ensure the taste and texture of the dried pork, it is not recommended to store for a long time. It’s better to eat up within a month. It can be stored for 6 months if directly refrigerate the vacuum-packaged pork jerky.
Parameter Value
Size  500g
Type  Pork